This is a work of fiction, written by Christa Tomlinson and protected by U.S. Copyright laws. It may not be reproduced, copied, or published without the express written permission of Christa Tomlinson.
Logan walked up the stairs to Clay’s loft apartment, eager to see his boyfriend. Of course, he was always happy to see Clay but tonight Logan was curious. When Clay noticed on the HPD SWAT schedule that they were on a day shift for this Friday, his blue eyes had lit up with excitement.
“Are you sure we’re not working a late night on March fourteenth?” he’d asked. Logan had assured him they weren’t. Clay had whooped excitedly but didn’t say what he was so happy about. Logan asked him what was so special about that day, but Clay wouldn’t tell him no matter how many times he pressed. Now that March fourteenth was here, Logan would finally have his curiosity satisfied. Reaching Clay’s door, Logan knocked and waited. on the delicious smell of well-seasoned meat coming from the apartment. A few seconds later, Clay opened the door. And Logan’s eyes almost fell out of his head. He always thought his boyfriend looked good, but tonight… tonight he looked amazing. Clay’s short black hair lay in soft smooth waves. His jawline was clean shaven as usual and his blue eyes sparkled mischievously. His skin was already starting to show the beginnings of a tan and gleamed warm and golden in the soft light of his apartment. And there was a lot of that skin on display. Because from the looks of it Clay was naked save for two items. The dog tags around his neck that proclaimed he was Logan’s submissive. And a short, white apron. That was it. “Happy Steak and Blowjob day!” Logan stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind him, still taking in his boyfriend’s mostly naked body. “Happy what?” Clay grinned. “Steak and Blowjob Day.” Logan tore his eyes away from his lover’s bare thighs. “Did you just make up a holiday?” “I wish. Then maybe I could get royalties from the t-shirts or something. No, I don’t know who made it up. It’s the counterpart to Valentine’s day, where people return the favor of their significant others going all out with dinner and presents.” Clay grinned again and waved the metal tongs that Logan just now realized he was holding. “I figure since I’m the submissive I qualify for participation.” Logan shook his head at his sub. Clay always managed to surprise him. “Are you completely naked under that apron?” Clay gave him a wicked look from beneath his lashes. “Maybe.” Clay took three taunting backwards steps before he turned to walk into the kitchen. And Logan saw him from the back. There was nothing but smooth, naked skin, except for the apron tie draped around his waist. “Christ. You are naked under there.” Logan followed his lover, his eyes locked on the sweetly rounded ass in front of him. When Clay stopped at the stove Logan walked up behind him to whisper in his ear. “Aren’t you afraid something will splatter and burn your bare skin?” Clay looked at him over his shoulder. “No. Because I know you’ll kiss it and make it better.” Logan groaned softly. “You know I would.” He ran a palm over Clay’s shoulder. “I want to kiss and touch you everywhere.” Logan bent to kiss his lover’s mouth. As always, Clay submitted and opened up for him. Logan took advantage, sliding his tongue in to tangle with Clays, and sucking at his full bottom lip. Clay pulled away, his lips deliciously swollen and red from their kiss. “Food now. Kissing and blowjobs later.” Logan laughed and let Clay turn back to the stove. “So, what are you making me?” “Steak, baked potatoes, broccoli and wild rice. French bread. And chocolate mousse for dessert.” Logan was impressed. “You really went all out.” “Yep. And I’m even going to eat some of everything myself. But you have to promise to help me work it off later.” Logan was again distracted by all the naked skin in front of him. He trailed his fingers down Clay’s spine until he reached the curve of his ass, then caressed and squeezed the smooth flesh under his palm. He thought his sub looked perfect but he’d do whatever Clay wanted to keep him happy. “I’ll help you exercise. Are we talking horizontal or vertical?” Clay laughed and looked over his shoulder again. “Dom’s choice.” Logan squeezed Clay’s ass again until Clay swatted his hand away. “Go sit down. Everything’s ready.” Logan went over to Clay’s small dinette set and sat down. He poured himself a glass of the red wine waiting on the table and opened a bottle of root beer for Clay, while Clay fixed their plates and brought everything over. Clay took a seat, but before he was settled he jerked forward with his eyes wide. “What did you forget something?” Logan asked. “No. Just uh… this metal chair is really cold on my butt.” Logan smiled as he watched Clay gingerly ease onto the seat. “Guess that’s a hazard of naked dinner night.” Clay stuck his tongue out at him. He got comfortable and they both settled in to enjoy the dinner. **** Twenty minutes later, Logan sat back with a well-satisfied sigh. “That was excellent, baby. Thank you.” Clay finished his soda. “You’re welcome.” He wiped his fingers on a napkin and got up from the table and walked over to him. “The mousse should probably set a little while longer.” Logan looked up into teasing blue eyes. “Is that right?” Clay nodded. “Yep. So, I was thinking we could move on to the second half of this holiday while it does.” He held his hand out and Logan took it, allowing Clay to pull him up from his chair. Logan was normally the one in charge in their relationship, but for this night he was happy to let Clay take the lead. He followed along as Clay headed into the living room and let his boyfriend push him into the big overstuffed arm chair. Logan got comfortable, his arms braced on the rests while Clay kneeled at his feet. “How do you always manage to look so calm and in control, even when you’re about to get your dick sucked?” Logan smiled slightly but didn’t answer Clay’s question. “Take that apron off.” Clay gave him a sheepish grin. “I forgot,” he said as he removed the apron and tossed it aside. Logan set his feet apart so his sub could slide in between his legs. Clay reached out to unzip his jeans, slipping his fingers past denim and cotton to touch Logan’s shaft. Clay stroked him once, then tugged his clothes down past his hips. As Logan raised his hips to help, he looked down to where Clay was trailing his fingers up and down his shaft. The rest of him might look calm and in control, but his cock was definitely eager, already hard and slick at the tip. Clay moaned softly and leaned in. He licked with just the tip of his tongue, circling it lightly over the head. Logan’s cock, apparently still trying to show how eager it was, jerked forward at the touch. Clay gave him a wicked smile then bent and sucked him fully into his mouth. Logan groaned as Clay took him straight down to the base of his cock in one go. He relaxed even further into the chair and palmed the back of Clay’s head to pull him closer. Clay moaned as he slid forward, the sound vibrating along Logan’s shaft as Clay sucked him deep and slow. Logan’s eyes grew heavy lidded from the pleasure coursing through him, but he kept them on his lover. He watched as Clay sucked him, lips sliding up and down his shaft, dark lashes down and hiding the beauty of his blue eyes. After a few moments, Logan reached out and cupped the side of Clay’s face. When his sub looked up at him, Logan didn’t have to say anything. read him and knew that Logan wanted him to keep his eyes on him. Their eyes stayed locked as Clay sucked at his cock, licking down to tongue the heavy weight of his balls. Clay teased his tongue back up his shaft, flicking lightly at that spot that made intensely delicious sensations of pleasure radiate throughout his body. Logan tightened his fingers in Clay’s hair. “You’re so good baby. So perfect, on your knees serving your Dom.” A flush tinted Clay’s cheeks. Logan’s words of praise pleased his submissive. He gave him more, telling how good he made him feel, how much he loved feeling his perfect mouth on his cock. Clay moaned and braced a palm on Logan’s thigh. He sucked faster, taking Logan’s cock deep into his mouth again and again. Logan hissed as his body tightened. “Fuck, baby. You’re gonna make me come.” Clay’s fingers dug into his skin. He concentrated on sucking just the tip of his cock while he worked the rest of his shaft with his hand. A groan rumbled in Logan’s chest, his hips thrusting forward as he gripped the sides of the chair. His spine tingled. His cock throbbed in Clay’s mouth. Clay squeezed him in his fist and Logan lost it. He shouted his lover’s name, his body going rigid as his climax rushed through him. Clay moaned low in his throat when Logan came in his mouth. And he kept sucking, swallowing every drop. Finally, after what seemed like an endless stream of powerful pleasure, Logan relaxed and released his grip on Clay’s hair. Clay let his shaft go and rested a cheek against his thigh, smiling up at him. After taking in one deep breath, Logan reached down to pull his sub up to straddle his lap. “I love you. And that was wonderful. The steak. The blow job. All of it.” “I love you too. And I’m glad you liked it.” The teasing sparkle returned to his eyes. “But I have a confession. I didn’t make the food. It’s from Isabelle’s.” Logan laughed and smacked his sub on the ass. “I know you didn’t cook any of that. Pouring a bowl of cereal is the highlight of the culinary experience I’ve seen from you.” Clay looked indignant. “Hey! It takes skill to get the perfect cereal to milk ratio.” Logan shook his head and tugged Clay down into a kiss. “You’re such a brat. But that’s why I love you.” Clay smiled against his mouth. “Happy Steak and Blowjob Day, Sir.”
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