Here's a nerdy little tidbit for ya!
This morning, I came across a tweet asking if Batman is capable of being in a non-toxic, non-star crossed relationship. I love that broody bastard so of course I had THOUGHTS. I don't think Batman is capable of a healthy relationship. I think he's so emotionally damaged & hard that one - he doesn't want a relationship and two - he would have to overhaul his entire psyche to make it work. Like, I laughed at the bit in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies where Superman says he's late b/c he had to kiss Lois or something and quips Batman wouldn't understand. And Batman comes back dryly with, "You're right. I don't." Because he just doesn't comprehend romantic emotional attachment. The delivery is funny but it's also sad that all Bruce has is constant vengeance. Nothing else really matters to him. Can you imagine trying to date that? I mean, I'd fuck Batman. Clearly. But date him? I'm exhausted just thinking of the emotional labor I'd have to put in with him. No partner will ever get past Batman to fully connect with Bruce. I mentioned that Blaze is my own Batman inspired hero. And I gave him sweet lil' Danny as a romantic interest instead of a Catwoman inspired badass because I felt the man needed the lover, not the hero/vigilante. That's the only way he can find love - by putting that hard part of him aside so that he has room for it. So what do you think? Can the Dark Knight find love or is he doomed to be forever alone?
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Christa's Blog
My rambling and not at all edited thoughts on romance novels, writing, and pop culture. Tags