As you may have seen, I currently have a .99 sale going on for my 2014 novel Bad Boys Need Love Too. Thanks to the sale, I’ve been thinking a lot about the story. I went back and browsed through some of the Amazon reviews for Gage and Joseph, and I burst into tears when I saw this: ***Thank you Christa for incorporating wonderful, three dimensional characters of *people-of-color*, into this exceptionally well written series. I have enjoyed all three books. Joseph, Max and Kevin were characters that made this *sista* proud, happy and thankful to spend time with. These interracial romances were handled magnificently and lacked NOTHING.*** You may have read my previous post, where I talked about the hurt and annoyance that the romance genre is so slow to get out of the homogenous state it has long been in. And also how I was worried about putting out a series with multicultural characters. So seeing that comment made me feel really good inside. I’m so pleased that I made another woman of color reader happy with my multicultural cast. Another review I saw made me laugh with happiness. There is A LOT of sex in Bad Boys Need Love Too. And one reader really understood why. There were lots of readers/reviews who understood as well, this one just made me chuckle: There is A LOT of sex in this book - graphic, HOT sex - but it didn't seem too much because, Hello - one of them is a Sex Addict! The reviewer is right. Gage is a sex addict. It’s how he handles his issues – anger in particular. Gage and Joseph have sex for lots of reasons throughout Bad Boys Need Love Too, and it’s not always just about feeling good. That is their arc. We’re having sex, but why? What are we trying to say to each other while we’re tangled up in these sheets/rolling around on the floor? How do we get from banging our brains out to having an emotionally mature relationship? It’s a rough ride for them (puns intended) as they figure it out. And every time I see a reviewer who understands that it makes me smile. I feel as though I’m looking at them through the screen like, you get me! When a reviewer feels where I'm coming from. So I had a lovely little trip down memory lane for Gage and Joseph. If you haven’t read their story you should totally check it out. If you have read it, comment with a picture of the cover on your e-reader and I’ll send you a Bad Boys Need Love Too cover art key chain. Thanks for reading!
Love, Christa Visit my website: Follow me around the internet! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub View my titles on Amazon Sign up for my Newsletter Bad Boys Need Love Too on sale for .99 at Amazon, B&N, Kobo and Apple Amazon: Amazon UK: Amazon CA: B&N: Kobo: Apple: Amazon French Translation: Don’t miss Bad Boys Need Love Too: Nate and Bad Boys Need Love Too: Max, novellas in the complete Bad Boys Need Love Too series. Visit their pages for blurbs and excerpts.
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